It comes as no surprise that a third of us are listening to more radio compared to before the pandemic, as many of us tuned in during the many months we’ve spent at home. Media consumption has skyrocketed as we crave the social connection that radio brings, offering a trusted source of news, opinion and entertainment. For brands, broadcast media continues to be an extremely valuable way to reach their customers.

So, how do we get our teeth into radio? Securing broadcast coverage is a completely different ballpark to traditional print coverage. No talk show host is going read out your press release, so our PR needs to take a new approach. The news agenda is constantly changing, and journalists are always looking for interesting spokespeople who will be willing to talk about their area of expertise.

In property PR we use current news trends as a springboard to set up interviews between journalists and our clients. We’ve worked with a number of broadcast journalists and radio stations to secure interviews for our clients on a range of topics from regional community campaigns and outstanding charitable partnerships, to discussing current trends in the property market and the changes to Help to Buy.

But what do you do once you’re lined up for an interview? Here’s a few of our top tips to wow the journalist:

Be a good spokesperson: An interview is first and foremost a conversation, so don’t have a script in front of you. Use the opportunity as a way to connect and share your expertise. Good spokespeople are warm, credible, and most importantly get invited back – so make sure that your answers are interesting!

Know your audience: The average radio listener won’t have a clue about the finer details of construction, land acquisition or rental yields so ditch the jargon. Instead, use simple and easy to understand terms that still convey your meaning but are more easily understood.

Be available: The news agenda is always changing, so you may be invited for an interview with just a few hours’ notice. Being flexible with your diary and showing willingness to accommodate a journalist’s schedule will go a long way in gaining their favour.

Be prepared for curveballs: It’s important to know how to handle any tricky questions that get thrown your way. Think twice before you trot out the old “no comment” and try to answer. Journalists will value an honest, straightforward answer, so instead of declining to respond, try to steer the conversation towards a topic that you can talk about.

Broadcast media offers brands the opportunity to expand its reach to a large audience that already sees the platform as a trustworthy and reliable source. If you are interested in positioning your brand to a whole new audience and finding out more about broadcast PR opportunities, or if you need help with media training, get in touch with us at