To mark Energy Saving Week this year, we’ve put together a list of simple ways you can reduce your household spend while benefiting the planet.

Energy Saving Week, created by the Energy Saving Trust and Citizens Advice Bureau, is a nationwide initiative to raise awareness around household energy efficiency. This annual campaign not only brings attention to the crucial role energy efficiency plays in environmental action but also in reducing household expenditure.

Currently around one fifth of the UK’s total carbon emissions come from our homes – mainly due to the fossil fuels used to power our boilers and electricity.

By embracing simple energy-efficient practices, such as fine-tuning heating settings or transitioning to LED lighting, homeowners can save hundreds annually while contributing to the UK’s ambitious goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Here are some easy-to-implement strategies to think about this Energy Saving Week:

  1. Turn Lights Off: The easiest way to reduce energy usage is to turn off any lights that aren’t needed. You can also look to install dimmer switches to reduce the amount of electricity required to power lights throughout the home. 
  • LED Lighting: Making the simple switch to LED lights for a cost-effective and energy-efficient choice that contributes to long-term savings. Compared to halogen bulbs, LED bulbs last up to 25,000 hours (up to twelve times longer) and can use as much as 80% less energy.
  1. Effective Device Management: Unplug any electronic devices that are not in use and turn electronics off standby settings to prevent wasted energy. Use smart plugs to control and turn off multiple appliances simultaneously or to set timers for automated shutdowns.
  1. Insulation Considerations: Explore insulation options to enhance the energy efficiency of your home – keeping it warmer in winter and cool during the summer. This can include double glazing, or in period properties, secondary glazing, as well as loft insulation.
  1. Cold Water Laundry: Most clothes can effectively be washed at lower temperatures, saving energy to heat the water and also increasing the longevity and colours of your clothes. According to the Energy Saving Trust, washing clothes at 30 degrees uses around 40% less electricity over the course of a year compared to higher temperatures.
  1. Smart Meter Utilisation: Use smart meters to track and manage energy usage efficiently and to identify any devices that cause unexpected spikes.

More generally, the way we heat our homes is a crucial consideration to reach net zero. Heat pumps, for example, are a low carbon and efficient source of heating. If you’re unsure, check the Government website to see if a heat pump could be suitable for your home.

Energy Saving Week is an opportunity to lessen our environmental impact while securing tangible financial benefits on our energy bills. If these small adjustments were made across all UK households, it would generate a significant impact in our collective journey towards a greener future.